Reentry Committee

Mission Statement

The Reentry Committee of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) will provide leadership on public policy, alignment and coordination of criminal justice systems and resources to support reentry efforts in Lucas County. Additionally, the Reentry Committee will work in partnership with the Reentry Coalition of Northwest Ohio (RCNWO) to secure broad community input, build partnerships and assure a well·coordinated system of care and support to assist previously incarcerated men, women and youth to successfully integrate back into the community.


The CJCC formed the Reentry Committee at the beginning of 2013 after the City of Toledo and Lucas County decided to make reentry a focus for this area. The Reentry Coalition of Northwest Ohio (RCNWO) submitted a proposal for a reentry staff position during this time. The City and County provided funding for a Reentry Coordinator. The Reentry Coordinator was hired to serve as a liaison between the CJCC and RCNWO. It is the goal of this new initiative to coordinate with judiciary, law enforcement agencies and service providers in the elimination of barriers to successful reentry of returning citizens to our county.

Contact Information

Reentry Coordinator
Tom Luettke, Esq.
Reentry Coordinator
One Government Center - Suite 1720
Toledo, OH 43604
PH: (567) 200-6815
FX: (567) 200-6855